Wednesday, September 3, 2008

DVB Streams

If you record a DVB streams you will notice sooner or later, that they aren't small.
For two hours 5 GB space, isn't that small and won't fit on a CD.

To encode a video, first you have to demux with ProjectX ( and remux with mplex (package mjpegtools) the stream to fix possible transmission errors. If you don't to that, you will maybe get a video where the audio and video is out of synchronization. It is also possible to export the subtitles from the Teletext.

$ java -jar ProjectX.jar myVideo.mpg

After running the program, you will find for every video and audio track an own file. To see all available options from ProjectX, run it without any parameters.

Then remux the video and audio together with mplex:

$ mplex -f 8 -o newVideo.mpg myVideo.m2v myVideo.mp2

When mplex returns without any errors, all files are no longer needed except newVideo.mpg.

Now cut out the advertisement, for example with dvbcut or avidemux and encode the video the get a smaller file size.

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