Saturday, November 6, 2010

Great App: manServer

Do you read a lot of man pages ? Sick that you cannot click on See Also pages?

Try manServer which converts man pages to HTML, is perl script, has a built-in web server to browse thought the pages.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

LogiLink Adapter

To use my "old" IDE devices, I bought adapters. The options on the net about these weren't very good: too slow, do not work. I cannot confirm this.

My adapters:

LogiLink Adapter AD0008: S-ATA to IDE + IDE to S-ATA
Adapter needs power supply via a USB power cable (within the scope of supply).

LogiLink Adapter AU0005A: USB 2.0 to 2,5 + 3,5 Zoll IDE HDD
Great stuff, works with HDD, CD drives, ...
If motherboard supports boot from USB, OS from an external HDD or CD drive can be executed.
Jumper has to be set master.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Looking for pand in Fedora 12 ?

You can find it in the package bluez-compat

PAN: Personal Area Network


Do you think nowadays a swap partition is not needed anymore because of the GB-sized RAMs ?

Well, if you want to use the Hibernate feature you need a swap partition. There is the possibility to use a file on a disk to store the RAM for Hibernate but the quickest way is to use a swap partition.

Friday, February 12, 2010

ASUS AT3N7A-I & MythTV & Fedora 12

On my page you can find a report about the motherboard ASUS AT3N7A-I

and some tips for MythTV 0.22 + NVIDIA Driver and Fedora 12